News that starts with the people who are normally asked last

S1E6 Fatphobia: Healthcare by size - with Stephanie Yeboah and Essie Dennis

Media Storm presented by Mathilda Mallinson and Helena Wadia
Read the transcript:
Content warning: Fatphobia, disordered eating
Being told to lose weight is almost unavoidable. The news, TV shows, films, adverts and your family & friends mostly prescribe to the same school of thought: that being fat is 'bad', and that being thin is 'good'. But it turns out: that's not true. This episode, we look into weight bias in healthcare and how fatphobia in medical settings is putting the lives of plus size people in danger - especially those with the reproductive condition endometriosis. Plus, we're joined in the studio by Stephanie Yeboah and Essie Dennis to discuss how the mainstream media depicts plus size people and what needs to change, and how we can stop diet culture from stripping away the joys of everyday life. 
Speakers (in order of appearance): 

Helena Burton-Jones @helena_mbj

Katherine Irene @katherineirenecoaching

Professor Rachel Batterham @ProfBatterhamMD @ObesityEmpower

Stephanie Yeboah @stephanieyeboah

Essie Dennis @khal_essie


Royal College of Physicians course:

US Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health: 

The epidemiology of overweight and obesity: public health crisis or moral panic

Why are there race/ethnic differences in adult body mass index–adiposity relationships? A quantitative critical review 

Endometriosis UK: 

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Music by Samfire @soundofsamfire. 
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